Super Blooms

Flowers as heroes and the heroic qualities they call to within us.

There is an everyday heroic quality to flowers and the plants on which they grow. Tending flowers and absorbing their beauty provides immense satisfaction and wonder in the 'super bloom'.

A super bloom is a natural phenomenon in which plants flowers in such profusion that they transform the landscape, bathing it in colour. When a super bloom arises, it is a miraculous sight. Plants bloom with a maximum abundance of flowers and colour applied in giant brush strokes across hills and plains.

Every individual flower has a 'super' quality. Flowers are heroic in their fine details as well as in big blooming events- flowers hold layer and layer of beauty within them. There is a wonder in the bloom but beauty also in the bud, the foliage, the fading flower and the structural seedhead, and the unique details in the seeds.

Flowers are evocative, drawing up fond memories or creating experiences as you see and share these plants. Flowers call for our attention and presence to enjoy the beauty in a hectic world.

The discovery and the practice of tending plants call to something heroic within each of us. Walking through the streets and observing flowers or tending a singular planter or more extensive garden, we experience nature and the microcosm surrounding plants. We are part of something bigger. The metaphors and human lessons that gardens and plants have for us are rich. Time with plants can feed us. This deep joy is available to us all.


Considering complexity


Tending beyond the garden